What It's about

Have you ever picked up a shell, put it to your ear and listened to the sound of the ocean. . .  hussssshhhh, hussshhhh? 
If the ocean could speak to us what do you think she'd say? Is she happy? Sad? Does she need help? Does she need to be left alone? Would she call to us to stop taking her fish, murdering her beasts and poisoning her veins? Would she rejoice in the many wonders of her being? Invite us into her cool depths to see her curiosities? 
Have you ever tried to listen?
This blog is a discussion, an exploration, an invitation.
To look into the ocean and glimpse whats going on there. Be it an interesting creature, an environmental disaster or an opportunity to discover.
The news of the oceans, the water of the world, what is she saying?

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